Sauna ceremonies

Sauna ceremonies


"A sauna ceremony is conducted in the sauna. The master of ceremonies pours a mixture of water and essential oils onto the heated sauna stones, creating hot, aromatic steam that is dispersed throughout the cabin by waving a towel. Combined with meditation and/or music, this provides pure relaxation and cleansing of the body and mind." 

Neem Contact us for the possibilities and rates

Sauna Infusion ceremony will be performed in English or Dutch.

An infusion ceremony is performed in the sauna. The master of ceremonies pours a mixture of water and essential oil on the burning sauna stove creating hot/warm fragrant vapor which is spread through the cabin by “waving” a towel. This combined with a meditation and/or music provides pure relaxation and cleansing of the body and mind. Contact us for the options and prices

Saunan infuusio seremoniat suoritetaan englanniksi tai hollanniksi.

Infuusio Seremonia suoritetaan saunassa. Seremoniamestari kaataa veden ja eteerisen öljyn seoksen palavan kiukaan päälle, jolloin syntyy kuumaa/lämpimää tuoksuvaa höyryä, joka leviää koko mökkiin pyyhettä “heiluttaen”. Tämä yhdessä meditaation ja/tai musiikin kanssa tarjoaa puhdasta rentoutumista ja kehon ja mielen puhdistamista. . Sähköpostilla vaihtoehdoista ja hinnoista.